Traditional Tofflemire-style circumferential bands fight against you. When you burnish the matrix it automatically wants to spring back. The problem is doubled with M.O.D. restorations.
“Free-floating” sectional matrix bands are easily positioned and burnished into perfect contact with the adjacent tooth with no spring back – even on M.O.D. restorations. It’s a beautiful thing!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much are a couple of x-rays worth? Volumes.
Sectional matrix systems simplify your life many ways:
- Broad, tight contacts
- Contacts at the tooth’s natural height of contour
- Anatomically contoured
- Less flash and finishing time
Tofflemire-style matrices create problems!
- Little or no proximal anatomy
- Thin contact at the marginal ridge
- Large food traps
All leading to:
- Occlusal interference
- Increase likelihood of fracture
- Recurrent carries
- Periodontal disease